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Welcome to Faces In The Rock an online marketplace for crystals, jewelry, gnomes, books and more..... Open your mind to the possibilities. Let the tools and treasures of Gaia assist you in your journey. Learn who they are, what they teach and receive the love. They are the helpers of humanity throughout history. Listen to your intuition, and allow them to easily elicit your own inner treasures. Destiny will prevail in bringing to you the crystal that is meant to be your ally. Expand your consciousness to higher dimensions by consciously creating a positive healing vibrational environment for your house or work environment.  Magic is attuning into nature. Stones ground unto you this magic, asking nothing in return. Miracles and magic are awaiting you in life and at Faces In The Rock. 


I believe in the truth of the inexplicable, in the common sense of the stones, in the lunacy of flowers.
— What I Believe by J. Ballard