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Rock Steady

Tips for an Empath....

Caroline Ries

Being a highly sensitive person in todays world can make you feel like a millipede with perceptive antennae that sense a spectrum of feelings, emotions and energy. An empath walks into an environment and feels energy in a variety of ways including; physical, intuitive and utilizing varies senses that is unique to each empath. Realize that you are an animal that has adapted to survive on this Earth. You have done this by evolving a repertoire of heightened feeling sensations of your surroundings on an instinctual level. This can be extremely overwhelming if you have a hypersensitive endocrine system including your mighty pineal gland or an overactive adrenal gland. This can overwhelm you, if for instance your body goes into freeze, flight, fright, fight or cause you to overanalyze mentally which can cause a loop of feeling things on a hyper sensitive level which is not sustainable and conducive to peace. Realize and know this hypersensitivity is a gift and allows navigation of life with a constant energetic map.

As an empath,  healer, and an incarnated earth angel, I have an innate desire to help people. This is my purpose.  I believe in random acts of kindness rippling out to create love and peace abundantly. I have learned to balance this desire with the knowledge that I am also here to learn boundaries and self-care. This energetic desire to help was attracting other people's energy that wanted me to help them more than they wanted to help themselves. Ah - an aha moment - don’t you just love those! I evolved this to the understanding that some things are best healed by each person individually and to fill up my cup first as we are all one and mirrors of each other. Once your oxygen mask is on you can assist those with putting their oxygen masks on. Or as I like to say don’t be the lifeboat as it can only hold so many people - be the lighthouse shining your light for infinite assistance to all. I then learned how to use my empath nature to decipher strong discernment of character.  I am learning how to stay centered when in a crowd or with friends. I know my energy and when I am alone I feel just my energy and I am at peace. When I am with others I now feel my energy plus the collective energy and am sometimes unable to decipher the blending of energy and still get confused. However, there are some things I have found that energetically free this bombardment of energy and allow myself to be purely in my own energy to stay connected to my higher self while being around people ..... 

1. Wear Crystals Consciously in Public.

You would wear a raincoat out when it is raining so when going to be in large groups of people dress energetically accordingly.  I learned this lesson when meeting a native elder at the Universal Light Expo in Columbus in 2009. I walked up to him and he said "Wow… I just watched you pick up people's energy you just walked by. This is not sustainable." He introduced me to the concept of energetic protection and being aware of this energetic transfer happening. Energy follows attention and intention which we will understand more in the future but for now we call it the placebo effect. Each morning I intentionally adorn myself with a metal cuff bracelet and I then put on an amethyst chip bracelet and ask the crystals to assist me in stopping/transmuting anyones energy from going up my arm or further into my energy field. These are energetic barriers I wear to consciously tell the universe to assist me in boundaries to my energy field to keep me centered and that I am here to heal myself first until my cup is overfilled. Crystals work in the energetic realm and crystals will help you be aware and tune into energetic happenings.  My jewelry I wear I consider my medicine and allies. What works for me is I consciously wear bracelets mentioned above, a strong crystal on my middle finger to direct energy outward rather than inward, and blue Kyanite somewhere on my body. Kyanite develops a relationship with you and understands your energetic auric field. It is known as the warrior stone and will go into your auric field and seal up any leaks you have developed protecting your space. Plus it does not have to be cleared as it is a 24/7 battery transmuting energy just like Selenite. Black Tourmaline is a very protective stone as well but it literally holds other people's energy inside of it and needs to be cleared nightly - it does not have the self clearing property of selenite and Kyanite. You will notice when you wear crystal jewelry that is working people are naturally drawn to it and will reach out to touch it. Do your best to deflect other people from touching your allies in as diplomatic way as possible. It happens fast so practice what to say. I normally grab it first and show them the crystal letting them know this crystal is working and I wear it to help me in my daily efforts so please do not touch. I also recommend keeping the crystals under shirts out of eyesight and they learn more by being  on your skin. 

2. Watch People Pleasing.

It hides the authentic you and will derail you from your path. Doing anything out of obligation rather than pure intentions changes the energetic blueprint. Saying NO stands for nurturing ourselves. If you cannot say yes with the joy of giving a piece of bread to a duck then say let me think about that before responding. I posted the following to inhibit my people pleasing ways. Intuition is untouchable by external manipulation. Every human interaction is a lesson in personal boundaries. Even we are 90 we will still be learning how to navigate human interactions. I pray for the youth that are on technology all day as they are missing out on very important human interaction interplay that teaches us these lessons as a child. Remember you can only truly help others when your cup is full so resentment doesn't build. Just like on a plane put your own oxygen mask on first then assist others. Remember healthy relationships flow like an infinity sign with receiving and giving flowing in a balanced manner. If you consistently feel drained after interactions with a person, a meal, a situation this is your clue of an imbalance and unhealthy relationship.

3. Clear yourself energetically nightly. 

Even with the above steps it is inevitable just like thanksgiving dinner merges that other people's energy will be in your field and for most people that is fine but if you find yourself constantly thinking about a person or their situation - bingo it is a sign that their energy is in your field. No worries, a simple clearing where you can literally feel other people's energy leave and return to your own energy freeing us to the extent we let go as well. Just think of it as an energetic shower:) Every night before I go to bed I say my grateful list and ask for assistance for myself, others and the whole universe and then do a clearing. I say the following with strong intention and no room for even 1% doubt. " Archangel Michael please clear immediately any energy that is not mine and send it back to that person's higher self. Any energy that is mine that I lost during the day I call back now and connect directly to my higher self."  Archangel Michael is amazing at this as he carries his legendary sword of light that works energetically. It helps to visualize him vacuuming or cutting any ties that may have formed while asking for Michael's assistance. Remember, Angels cannot interfere with free will so you must ask for their help and it is granted instantaneously. Angels are omnipresent which means time and space and this 3D reality do not exist in the 5th dimension where they reside. Archangel Michael can be with ever single person on this planet at the exact same time - Cool :) plus take out the silly notion of bothering them because that is EGO talking.  

As an empath you are constantly studying, feeling and learning energy etiquette. Take the time to self care and listen to you own intuition of what will work for you. I share to inspire and open your possibilities not as simon sayz. Being empathic is equivalent to having a cheat sheet constantly and is a true gift. I couldn't imagine not feeling and knowing what is going on with people or connecting so deeply to crystals.  As Wayne Dyer says, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". Your empathic feelings are a treasure map constantly letting you know which people, places and paths to take.... and remember joy is your compass and crystals are your guides!