Contact Us

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact Faces In The Rock directly with a question? 

          You can e-mail with any questions you may have and I will do my best to answer. 

Will I get the exact crystal in the picture? 

No two crystals are the same just like snowflakes. Due to the amount of crystals we have at Faces In The Rock the picture on the     website is an indication of what the majority of inventory entails. Faith is required that you will receive the crystal that is meant for you. Humans identify imperfections but in the crystal world there are no imperfections, just a history of the environment that the crystal grew in. 

I'm looking for a specific crystal I do not see here, is there a chance Faces In The Rock has that crystal?

If you are looking for a specific crystal not listed and want to describe it in an e-mail to: I will then check the store inventory and respond to your email with availability and include pictures to see if the crystal is indeed the one that you are seeking. 

What is Faces In The Rock's return policy?

I want you to be 177% satisfied with your product. Once the item has been returned I will refund the amount of the crystal to the customer. The customer will not be reimbursed for shipping already paid to send the product and the customer will be responsible for shipping costs to return the item.

 Remember to expect a miracle everyday! 

Love, Light and crystal blessings from Faces In The Rock :)