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About Me


Hi welcome to my online marketplace. I'm C.C. Rider the woman who birthed Faces In The Rock. I am a crystal child of the stars. I grew up finding fossils in the stones that lined my street and really began working with the stones in jewelry when I had my own jewelry store at 9 years old. I remembered tarot at 10 and could not understand why the teachers did not like me doing readings in homeroom. I have traveled the world visiting over 60 countries and collecting items to sell along the way. I grew up in a suburb of Cleveland, oHIo and feel totally different than anyone else I know except the crystals. 

My spirituality was rekindled when I had a reoccurring dream in college where I would all of a sudden see headlights coming from the side and practiced jumping out of the way of the car in the dream. I would then sit up in bed and my guides voice came through the inside of my body out my ears stating, "The only way you lived is because you jumped out of the way of the car." He repeated this message three times and I had this dream 3 times. I remember awakening in the morning realizing each time that I had that dream again. Then one night while getting out of a car, a car came from the left having just turned on the street going extremely fast. I had seconds to react and that is why they had me practice the jump, which I did jump right into the cement curb. The car struck my leg while I was jumping out of the way and twisted my spine and neck. I was in shock. I had survived thanks to the help of my guides. My faith from that moment on was solidified. I started living my life for myself instead of others. I moved to Australia and attained my Masters in Cross Cultural Communication. 

I felt the calling to move to Asheville North Carolina in 2010 to the Schwartz Quartz Blue Ridge Mountain Paradise. I adopted an entire rock store inventory on St. Valentines day 2015 that was formerly in Franklin NC. My goal is to reunite these rocks and crystals to their rightful allies all around the world in a way only the internet can. It has been a lifelong dream to assist others develop the remembering of crystal energy and connect those awaiting each other. So come on the journey with me and sign up for my monthly rock-mails below, see pretty pictures on Instagram, read my blog post Rocksteady, and visit my Facebook page and above all remember to believe in magic and breathe!

Faces In The Rock Promises:

All crystals are of the light and cleared of any past accumulated energy. 

Every item I have personally selected to assist you in your spiritual journey including immensely insightful books, fossils, hand painted gnomes, mystic photography, adorning crystals, crystal lamps, conscious kits, and crystal accessories. I am constantly uploading new goodies so come back often to see what is new!

All magical items have the seal of being empath approved :)