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The best way to experience crystals is to wear them on a daily basis. This way the crystal builds a relationship with you and understands you in a deeper way. It can then assist and empower your auric field all day long.  Please respect that there are no two crystals the same and all earrings are not going to identically match. Crystals teach us what natural beauty is and have inherent characteristics of the thousands of years it took for them to grow. This can include what we would consider imperfections but are a part of history.... these are mother earth creations and discolorations, unique shapes, and natural raw stones live in the crystal's world where manmade imperfections are historical weather patterns or synchronistic minerals that befriended it while growing. Also size does not inhibit the power of the crystal - remember a lot of these crystals were part of a crystal as big as your house and will forever have the power of the crystal matrix it grew on. 

Shiva Lingam


Shiva Lingam


Shiva Lingam’s are sacred river rocks from the Narmada River in the Maridhata Mountains, one of the seven sacred sites in India. It has been used in India for millennia and as known as the cosmic egg from which the world was hatched. It is made up of quartz and agate and these rocks carry a strong energy of harmonizing the masculine and feminine energies within us in a gentle way. Now you can wear a Shiva Lingam with you every day to feel the magic and keep your vitality up yet grounded. Shiva Lingam measures approximately an inch and the silver chain (included) includes options of an 18 or 24inch long chain.

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